Interkulturelle Kommunikation

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Learning Goals ICCP and further information on the programme set-up

Intercultural Communication Certificate Programme (ICCP)

ICCP is a bilingual postgraduate certificate programme open to all MA students @LMU (with the exception of students enrolled in the Intercultural Communication MA degree course) or students in the 7th or higher semester of an undergraduate degree at LMU.

The application deadline is October 12th.

A fundamental understanding of the diverse intercultural challenges of today's multicultural and globalized societies is essential in every specialized field as well as in many work contexts. The programme provides students with essential and up-to-date knowledge on the topics of intercultural communication.

Whether you aim to:

  • work in the HR or D&I department of a global company and/or international organization and want to get better at handling (cultural) diversity
  • learn about conflict management and negotiation techniques helping you to ‘solve’ or maybe even avoid potential (culturally coded) conflicts, misunderstandings, frictions and/or irritations
  • learn how to be, speak and act in an inclusive manner
  • get involved in refugee work or in initiatives for migrants and immigrants

The courses are bilingual. The lectures are held in German, the advanced courses and the work accompanying the courses in English.

ICCP Organization & Structure

The 'Intercultural Communication Certificate Programme' (ICCP) can be absolved in 2 - 4 semesters.

It comprises three modules corresponding to 30 ECTS in total:

Module 1: First semester

a. Lecture: Einführung in die Interkulturelle Kommunikation (3 ECTS)

b. English Seminar - P1: Intercultural Communication Certificate Programme (ICCP) (Part 1) with "Let's Talk" (6 ECTS)

Module 2: Second semester

a. Lecture: Aspekte und Handlungsfelder der Interkulturellen Kommunikation (3 ECTS)

b. English Seminar - P2: Intercultural Communication Certificate Programme (ICCP) (Part 2) (6 ECTS)

Module 3: Second or third or fourth semester

a. Kolloquium für Zertifikatsstudierende / office hours (3 ECTS)
b. Abschlussmodul (qualification paper) - P3 (9 ECTS)


Graphik Website ICCP


Applications are welcome until October 12th at the latest by sending us an email stating your name, matriculation number and MA study subject. Normally 40 (max. up to 60) students can be accepted. Should more students want to apply, a lottery will decide.

  • Applications:
    Institut für Interkulturelle Kommunikation
    Dr. Kari van Dijk
    Oettingenstr. 67
    Room 112
    Tel.: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 9617

Programme leadership, academic advising and teaching

Programme leadership, teaching, information, academic advising:

  • Dr. Gregor Sterzenbach
    Institut für Interkulturelle Kommunikation
    Oettingenstr. 67
    Room 110
    Tel.: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 9789

Organisational support, teaching:

Organisational support:
  • Dr. Kari van Dijk
    Institut für Interkulturelle Kommunikation
    Oettingenstr. 67
    Room 112
    Tel.: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 - 9617

We look forward working with you!

The ICCP Team