Interkulturelle Kommunikation

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Learning Goals ICCP

Learning Goals ICCP

The certificate program "Certificate for Intercultural Communication" (ICCP) is an additional study opportunity for LMU students with the purpose of imparting fundamental knowledge in intercultural communication and addressing current questions and issues related to multicultural societies and international organizations.

The general learning objectives of the certificate program are:

  • Introduction to the interdisciplinary field of intercultural communication
  • Conveyance of fundamental theoretical, methodological, and application-oriented knowledge in this field
  • Imparting analytical and strategic knowledge and skills with the aim of better managing the diverse intercultural challenges of globalized, culturally heterogeneous everyday and professional environments
  • Deepening of English language skills (English is the language of instruction in the seminars)
  • Acquisition of intercultural competence, meaning the enhancement of abilities and skills that promote appropriate, respectful, and effective interactions when collaborating with people from different cultural contexts

For participants, this leads to further specifications of the learning objectives:

  • Transfer theories to life and social phenomena
  • Explore the cultural context of one's own and others' actions
  • Reflect on one's own ethnocentrism
  • Explain events or actions from different perspectives
  • Strengthen and practice social and communicative skills such as ambiguity tolerance, empathy, respectful attitude, and openness

"Let's Talk" - an international exchange format

Another component of the Intercultural Communication Certificate Programme (ICCP) is the virtual exchange format called 'Let's Talk', in which the LMU has been participating since the winter semester 2021/22. This format takes place as part of the EUGLOH research alliance to which the LMU alongside eight other European universities belongs. In this five-week program, participants deepen their theoretical knowledge in the field of interculturality in live weekly video conferences together with other students from the universities of Paris-Saclay, Szeged and Novid Sad. In these shared virtual spaces, which simulate the basic conditions of today's (often diverse) working world, participants are given the opportunity to deepen or further develop their intercultural competence(s). Students are given the opportunity to practice core competencies such as the ability to cooperate, the willingness to compromise and empathy.

More information on EUGLOH can be found here.