Wintersemester 2022/2023
Cultural narratives, music, and intercultural communication: new approaches to culture, applied to music education
07. November 2022
Dr. Carlos Poblete Lagos (Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación / Visiting Researcher LMU München)
Anerkennung ausländischer Abschlüsse: Barrieren und Chancen
14. November 2022
Elina Schröder (Anerkennungsberaterin, Diakonisches Werk Freiburg)
28. November 2022
Prof. Dr. Juliana Roth (Institut für Interkulturelle Kommunikation, LMU München)
Leerstellen der IkK: Alltagsrassismus
16. Januar 2023
Prof. Dr. Heidrun Friese (Institut für Germanistik und Interkulturelle Kommunikation, TU Chemnitz)
Pardon my French - Or What It Means to be a Good Communicator in France
30. Januar 2023
Dr. Noémie Hermeking (Interkulturelle Trainerin und Senior Projektleiterin Stiftung Kick ins Leben, München)
This presentation shows the central role of applied anthropology in the delivery of effective intercultural workshops. By using fables by Jean de La Fontaine, my aim is to stay within the anthropological tradition of making sense out of “stories”. The anthropological lens, as well as examples of the French language and culture, will exemplify what it means to be a good communicator in France. By exploring the French communication style (compared to German), I will focus specifically on indirect communication/ high-context communication. Fables of La Fontaine will further strengthen the point of the manifold underlying meanings that are inherent in his work and an immanent example of indirect communication. In addition, I will illustrate the importance of learning the particularities of the French language and culture, for non-French individuals, which will help them to bridge some unforeseen differences thereby facilitating the intercultural encounter.
Institutsinternes Kolloquium der Dozierenden und Studierenden zur Entwicklung der Münchner IkK
06. Februar 2023