- (2018) Emotional Intelligence and Intercultural Competence: Theoretical Questions and Pedagogical Possibilities. With Irina Golubeva. (accepted, in print 2018)
- (2018) Zertifikatprogramme in und für interkultureller Kommunikation in Deutschland. Das Intercultural Communication Certificate an der LMU-München. Europäische Erziehung, 2018(1), 12-16.
- (accepted, print in Fall 2018) Auf Diversität mit Diversität antworten. Methodologische Herausforderungen der Lehre von Interkulturellen Kompetenz. [Respond to Diversity with Diversity. In S. Westerholz, J. Nolten (Eds.) Methodological challenges of Teaching Intercultural Competence]
- (accepted, print in Jan. 2018) The “Global Turn” and the rise of “intercultural/global citizenship”. Best Practices in German Study Abroad programs and in University-wide intercultural education. In Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German Special Issue.
- Understanding the multicultural and the intercultural in the current German academic, public/political and pedagogical discourse. In Journal of Multicultural Discourses Special Issue: Intercultural Multilateralities: pluri-dialogic imaginations, global-ethical positions and epistemological ecologies.
- (2018, in print) “Die ängstliche Margarete” - Anxiety in Christa Wolf's City of Angels Or, The Overcoat of Dr. Freud. In Patricia Herminghouse and Gerald Fetz (Eds.), What Remains: Essays on the Legacy of Christa Wolf. Berghahn House/Spektrum.
- (2017) When does the prewar start? Intercultural Education as Conflict Prevention. In M-F. Mailhos, I. Golubeva. (Eds.) Education for European Literacy, Democratic Citizenship and Intercultural Understanding. Veszprém: Tanárok Európai Egyesülete, p. 5-16.
- (2017) Preparing Professionals for Working in Multicultural and Democratic Europe: Two Pedagogical Programs – Their Assessment and Collaborations. With Irina Golubeva. In Pedagogika 2017(1), 39-54.
- (2016) With Irina Golubeva. “Facing the Need to Become Intercultural in a Conflicted Europe: A Model for an Intercultural Certificate Program.” In La Educación Importa. Jornadas de Divulgación y Difusion Innovadoras (D2+1), UCOPress - Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Córdoba, 65-75.
- (2013) Angst bei Arthur Schnitzler und Christa Wolf aus der Perspektive der Psychologie. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. [Anxiety in the works by Arthur Schnitzler and Christa Wolf from the perspective of Psychology.]
- (2013) Auf dem Weg in die Moderne: Deutsche und Österreichische Literatur und Kultur. [On the Way to Modernity: German and Austrian Literature and Culture]. Co-edited with Roswitha Burwick and Lorely French. München: de Gruyter.
- (2013) “Habe die Ehre” – Schnitzlers Novellen Leutnant Gustl und Die Toten schweigen alla Schopenhauer. In R. Burwick, L. French and I. Guntersdorfer (Eds.), Auf dem Weg in die Moderne: Deutsche und Österreichische Literatur und Kultur. München: de Gruyter, 101-121.
- Multilingualism in and for German Studies: Report from a Seminar. With the Eaton Group. (accepted, under Review with Die Unterrichtspraxis /Teaching German)
- New German Review. 2008/Vol 23. co-edited with Andre Schütze.
- “When does the prewar starts?” - Intercultural Communication Programs for Educating the Youth in Europe.” International ELICIT+ Conference at the Council of Europe, Budapest, Hungary, 2017.
- Certificate Intercultural Communication as an Example for Interculturalism in Germany.
National Forum of Young Leaders in Education. Tyumen, Russia, 2016.
Konferenzbeiträge (Auswahl)
- 2018 German Studies Association (GSA), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
- The Global Turn in German Studies. Educational Practices on Global and Democratic Citizenship
- 2018 Interkulturelle Kompetenz - Kritische Perspektiven, LMU-München Interkulturelle Kompetenz und europäische Bildungspolitik
- 2017 Symposium “Studierendenzentrierte Hochschullehre”, LMU-München
Auf Diversität mit Diversität antworten.
- 2017 Intercultural Horizons, Rijeka, Croatia
Intercultural Competence and Global Competence East and West – Certificate Programs in Intercultural Communication in the USA, Germany, and Hungary
- 2016 Año Internacional del Entendimiento Mundial, Cordoba, Spain
Facing the Need to Become Intercultural in a Conflicted Europe: A Model for an Intercultural Certificate Program
- 2016 National Forum of Young Leaders in Education, Tyumen, Russia
Certificate Intercultural Communication as an Example for Interculturalism in Germany
- 2016 European Association for International Education (EAIE), Liverpool, UK
Facing the Urgent Need in Intercultural Competency – Current Programs at German Universities.
- 2016 German Studies Association (GSA), San Diego, CA, USA
Where “Multiculturalism” is Not Enough - Multilingualism in the Context of Intercultural Communication in Current German Higher Education
- 2015 Kultur aus interdisziplinärer Sicht, University Mainz, Germany
Kulturelle Identität und die Messung von Interkulturalität
- 2015 Association American Study Abroad Programs in Germany, Munich, Germany
Interkulturelle Kompetenz durch Study Abroad: Wunsch und Wirklichkeit
- 2014 International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI), Porto, Portugal
The Present and the Future of Interdisciplinary Studies – The example of Cognitive Literary Studies
- 2013 German Studies Association (GSA), Denver, CO, USA
Cognitive literary studies and the literary text. An explicative analysis of Arthur Schnitzler’s “Sterben” with the tools of cognitive psychology
- 2012 International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI), Nicosia, Cyprus
Digital Humanities, HyperCities for teaching a study abroad class
- 2012 German Studies Association (GSA), Milwaukee, WI, USA
Angst and Blame: Cassandra and the “ängstliche Margarete”. Christa Wolfs “Stadt der Engel” Through of Cognitive Psychology
- 2012 European Conference "Reinventing the European Experience: ”Culture, Politics and Diversity in U.S. Education Abroad", Dublin, Ireland
HyperCities for Study Abroad? Pro and Contra
- 2011 Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY, USA
Historizität der Gesellschaftsdifferenzen der Angst? Weibliche und männliche Angst in Arthur Schnitzlers Fräulein Else und Christa Wolfs Kassandra
- 2010 North-Eastern Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
Denial and Ambivalence of the Self in Julia Schoch’s Mit der Geschwindigkeit des Sommers and Antje Rávic Strubel’s Tupolew 134
- 2009 UCLA Teaching Assistant Conference
Shock lesson for incoming teaching assistants